Annual General Meeting

Room: ITB 137, Bldg: Information Technology Building (ITB), 1280 Main Street W, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, L8S4L8

Our first Annual General Meeting of the year will serve to introduce IEEE and the McMaster Branch to a variety of attendees, including university students, faculty, and all IEEE members within Canada. We aim to provide insights on how the branch operates, discuss our initiatives planned for this year, and how attendees can get involved and contribute. In addition, we will also discuss the benefits of having an IEEE membership, among other reasons to join our team.Co-sponsored by: McMaster ECE DepartmentRoom: ITB 137, Bldg: Information Technology Building (ITB), 1280 Main Street W, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, L8S4L8

Careers in Technology Fall Series 2024 – Victor B Lawrence, PhD 24 September 8pm EST


The Careers in Technology Fall Series begins on 24 September at 8pm Eastern Time with:Professor Victor B Lawrence, PhD IEEE Fellow, National Inventors Hall of Fame.In the introduction, Dr Lawrence’s preparation for a career at Bell Labs in Advanced Communication Technologies will be discussed. Then Dr Lawrence will conduct a detailed deep dive discussion of modern communications and networks. Some of Dr Lawrence’s technical experience includes: Key innovations of Bell Labs, artificial intelligence and machine learning, communications technologies, telecommunications, networks, patents, standards of today. Technology for the future. HDTV, Modems, Bluetooth: The importance of Standards.Professor Victor B Lawrence, PhD will share his thoughts about the future influence of technology in society, and recommendations for navigating a technical career in this era.Lawrence has received numerous awards and honorary degrees, including:- 1981: (, ( 1984: J. Harry Karp Best Paper Award at Interface '84- 1986: (,_Berkeley), Chancellor's Distinguished Lecture Series- 1987: ( 1992: Fellow of ( 1995: Black Engineer for Outstanding Technical Contributions- 1997: ( for ( Standard- 2000: IEEE Millennium Medal- 2003: Member of ( 2004: IEEE Award in International Communication- 2007: ( for leadership in world-wide data communications networks- 2012: Charter Fellow of ( (NAI)- 2016: ( Professor Victor B Lawrence, PhD IEEE FellowVirtual: