Digital Twin PI Simulations for 2000 Amp AI, Cloud Compute, and Multi-Die Packages

Bldg: Hub 350, 350 Legget Dr, Kanata, Ontario, Canada, K2K 0G7

Delivering thousands of amps to the next generation of high-speed digital designs is fast becoming the biggest design challenge for the next generation of custom multi-die packages, AI Chips, and cloud server applications. End-to-end power integrity digital twins with multiphase voltage regulators, PCB PDN with 100’s of capacitors, and dynamic loads are critical for mitigating expensive hardware failures when working with thousands of amps. This presentation will explore the model fidelity trade-offs and lessons learned from simulating the Picotest 2000 Amp Transient Load Stepper demo board with a 55-phase MPS horizontal power delivery topology and over 700 decoupling capacitors.Constructing and validating the PI digital twin will demonstrate various power integrity simulation tools. EM simulators for DC IR Drop, DC Electrothermal, and AC EM with Decap optimization. Traditional frequency domain analysis with target impedance combined with the Sandler Non-Invasive Stability Margin (NISM) for assessing phase margin helps mitigate resonances by designing for low Q flat impedance. Voltage regulator modeling brings up the challenges of dynamic control loops with small signal and non-linear large signal behavior. Final end-to-end digital twin simulations make use of frequency domain Harmonic Balance simulators to jump directly to steady-state transient power rail ripple for final pass/fail criteria.Speaker(s): Heidi Barnes, Bldg: HUB 350, 350 Legget Dr, Kanata, Ontario, Canada, K2K 0G7

Navigating the Complex Terrain of Enterprise System RFPs


Overview:In the high-stakes world of large corporate IT, conducting a Request-for-Proposal (RFP) for an enterprise system is like orchestrating a symphony of diverse stakeholders, intricate technical requirements, and strategic business objectives. Join Winnie Lai-Fong as she shares the art and science behind executing a win-win RFP process that satisfies both internal stakeholders and potential vendors.Get answers to these questions:- Who do you invite to play - Set the stage for success by clarifying the project's “why” and curating a list of worthy contenders.- What does the RFP include - The content is woven from the threads of user needs, technical specifications, and operational demands, with stakeholder management as the vital element in the success of the entire endeavour.- What are the rules - Establish clear rules of engagement, including a robust evaluation framework that paves the way for a fair and transparent selection process.- What to watch out for - Be wary of various pitfalls involving the vendors and the internal organization.Come join this presentation and find out how you can help your organization to transform the daunting RFP process into a strategic opportunity to align technology with business goals.Program Format:This is an interactive workshop.Q&A:Come with questions from your RFP challenges, or just share your own experiences.Virtual: