Can a photon spend a negative amount of time inside an atom cloud?

Local J-1035 Pavillon J. A. Bombardier, Polytechnique Montréal, Montréal, Quebec, Canada

Montréal Quantum Photonics Seminar SeriesAbstract: When a pulse of light traverses a material, it incurs a time delay referred to as the group delay. Should the group delay experienced by photons be attributed to the time they spend as atomic excitations? However reasonable this connection may seem, it appears problematic when the frequency of the light is close to the atomic resonance, as the group delay becomes negative in this regime. To address this question, I used the cross-Kerr effect to probe the degree of atomic excitation caused by a resonant transmitted photon by measuring the phase shift on a separate beam that is weak and off-resonant. These results, over a range of pulse durations and optical depths, are consistent with the recent theoretical prediction that the mean atomic excitation time caused by a transmitted photon (as measured via the time integral of the observed phase shift) equals the group delay experienced by the light. Specifically, I measured mean atomic excitation times ranging from (−0.82 ±0.31)τ0 for the most narrowband pulse to (0.54 ±0.28)τ0 for the most broadband <a href="http://pulse.I" target="_blank" title="pulse.I">pulse.I report these times normalized to the non-post-selected excitation time τ0, which is equal to the scattering (absorption) probability multiplied by the atomic lifetime τsp. These results suggest that negative values taken by times such as the group delay have more physical significance than has generally been <a href="http://appreciated.Bio:" target="_blank" title="appreciated.Bio:">appreciated.Bio: Daniela Angulo is a physicist from Colombia who recently completed her PhD at the University of Toronto, focusing on experimental light-matter interaction. Under the supervision of Aephraim Steinberg, her research explored the behavior of photons in atomic clouds using weak measurements. She is passionate about teaching and science communication. Outside the lab, she is an avid cyclist and <a href="http://musician.Local" target="_blank" title="musician.Local">musician.Local J-1035 Pavillon J. A. Bombardier, Polytechnique Montréal, Montréal, Quebec, Canada

LaTeX Design Workshop

Room: 1420, Bldg: Amit Chakma Engineering Building, 1151 Richmond St, London, ON, London, Ontario, Canada

Join us on November 25th at 2:30pm, to learn how you can use LaTeX to make your resume stand out!Room: 1420, Bldg: Amit Chakma Engineering Building, 1151 Richmond St, London, ON, London, Ontario, Canada

Kaiser Chair Energy Security Talk Series Sponsored by IEEE PELS: Building B.C.’s Energy Future

Room: KAIS 2020/2030, Bldg: Kaiser , 2332 Main Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, V6T 1Z4

British Columbia is witnessing an unprecedented demand for electricity as our population grows and British Columbians and businesses look to switch to cleaner, renewable sources of <a href="http://power.Join" target="_blank" title="power.Join">power.Join Chris O’Riley, President and CEO of BC Hydro, B.C.’s largest Crown corporation, as he discusses the steps BC Hydro is taking to increase electricity generation and the significant investments to grow and expand our provincial grid, including a $36 billion 10-Year Capital Plan. Hear about investments BC Hydro is making in community and regional infrastructure to accommodate the demand and deliver on its mandate to provide clean, reliable, and affordable power to communities across B.C.Speaker(s): Chris O’Riley, Room: KAIS 2020/2030, Bldg: Kaiser , 2332 Main Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, V6T 1Z4

IEEE Toronto AGM

Archeo, 31 Trinity Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5A 3C4

Archeo, 31 Trinity Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5A 3C4

IEEE ÈTS Student Branch (SB) Officers’ Training and Networking

Room: D-3008, Bldg: Pavilion D, 1219 Rue William, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3C1R1

This is a unique opportunity for IEEE student members to come together and learn from fellow officers the tools and experience to run an IEEE Student <a href="http://Branch.Agenda:">Branch.[]Agenda: AGENDA:- Benefits of Joining IEEE- Office Tools and Software for running a Student Branch (SB)- Scholarships for IEEE Volunteers- Funding Resources- Exchange resources and ideas with fellow SB leaders (Concordia, McGill, Polytechnique Montréal, <a href="http://etc.)Room:" target="_blank" title="etc.)Room:">etc.)Room: D-3008, Bldg: Pavilion D, 1219 Rue William, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3C1R1

IEEE Senior Member Grade Elevation Night

Room: Room 6900 (6th floor), INRS-Energie, 800 Rue De La Gauchetière O, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, Virtual:

You are invited to an important event – an opportunity to apply for IEEE Senior Member grade!All IEEE members who meet the qualifications below are encouraged to attend and meet with Senior Members, Fellows, and Honorary Members. Bring your application, obtain Senior Member references and learn more about what Senior membership means. Refreshments are <a href="http://complimentary.Do" target="_blank" title="complimentary.Do">complimentary.Do you qualify as a Senior Member?1) Candidates shall be an engineer, scientist, educator, technical executive, or originator in IEEE-designated fields (Bylaw 1-104.11)2) Candidates shall have been in professional practice for at least ten years (see full qualifications)3) Candidates shall have shown “significant performance” over a period of at least five of those years in professional <a href="http://practice.For" target="_blank" title="practice.For">practice.For all information and the application form<a href="" target="_blank" title=""> bring to the event four copies of both your completed application form and your detailed resume or CV, complete with full details and a strict timeline of <a href="http://dates.Speaker(s):" target="_blank" title="dates.Speaker(s):">dates.Speaker(s): , Matt PosnerAgenda: 17:30-17:55: Welcome & refreshments / Accueil et rafraichissements17:55-18:00: Inauguration of the IEEE Photonics Society Chapter of the IEEE INRS Student <a href="http://Branch.18:00-18:45:" target="_blank" title="Branch.18:00-18:45:">Branch.18:00-18:45: Opening remarks and panel discussion18:45-19:30: Free networking / Réseautage libreRoom: Room 6900 (6th floor), INRS-Energie, 800 Rue De La Gauchetière O, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, Virtual:

Short Circuit Analysis


This presentation discusses the engineering methods used to calculate and mitigate short circuits in electrical design. It includes a brief overview of what short circuits are, their causes, and the related technical theory. The design stages for calculating short circuit levels are explored, followed by different strategies to reduce short circuit levels. The importance of considering code requirements and electrical safety implications is emphasized, along with practical design implications such as cost, material sourcing, lead times, and the physical size constraints of the components. The presentation concludes with a comparison of the various strategies discussed, highlighting the advantages of each method and the specific cases for how and when they can be <a href="http://applied.Co-sponsored" target="_blank" title="applied.Co-sponsored">applied.Co-sponsored by: IEEE Canadian Atlantic Section PES/IAS Chapter/Dr. Hamed AlySpeaker(s): Patrick Oldfield, Virtual: