Thompson – Okanagan IEEE Section Executive Committee and Student Branch First Meeting of 2025
Room: 101, Bldg: HS, 1000 K.L.O. Rd, Okanagan College , Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, Virtual: warmly invite you to join us for our first meeting of 2025! This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know who we are and what we do. During the event, we’ll share highlights from our past activities and give you a sneak peek at the exciting events we’re planning for the near future. We’d also love to hear your thoughts and ideas—your input matters to us!Co-sponsored by: R7002701 - Okanagan SectionRoom: 101, Bldg: HS, 1000 K.L.O. Rd, Okanagan College , Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, Virtual:
Thompson-Okanagan Section Executive Committee and Student Branch OPEN First Meeting of 2025
Room: 101, Bldg: HS, 1000 KLO Rd, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, V1Y 4X8, Virtual: & Date: 3 p.m. - 7 p.m., Thursday, January 2nd, 2025Location: HS 101 and online in Zoom at Okanagan College (in-person and online)We warmly invite you to join us for our first meeting in 2025!This is an excellent opportunity to learn who we are and what we do. During the event, we'll share highlights from our past activities and give you a sneak peek at the exciting events we're planning for the near future. We'd also love to hear your thoughts and ideas. Your input matters to us!Co-sponsored by: Okanagan College Student BranchRoom: 101, Bldg: HS, 1000 KLO Rd, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, V1Y 4X8, Virtual:
Careers in Tech Special Event 2025 – Michael Viron – Startup 101: Lessons Learned 8 Jan 2025 6PM CST / 7 PM EST
Virtual: the dynamic landscape of startups, leveraging technology effectively can be a game-changer. This session delves into essential lessons learned in Information Technology (IT) that are crucial for the success and sustainability of startups. Whether you're launching a tech-driven product or service, managing data, or optimizing operations, understanding these insights can steer your startup towards growth and <a href="http://resilience.Co-sponsored" target="_blank" title="resilience.Co-sponsored">resilience.Co-sponsored by: Baton Rouge User Groups (BRUG)Speaker(s): Michael VironVirtual:
January 2025 Vancouver Section ExCom Meeting
Virtual: ExCom meeting - <a href="http://Online.Agenda:" target="_blank" title="Online.Agenda:">Online.Agenda: 7:00 PM - Online ExCom MeetingVirtual:
Executive Meeting
Virtual: meeting of the IEEE NB <a href="http://section.Agenda:" target="_blank" title="section.Agenda:">section.Agenda: - Report on the election- Planning the AGM (set for Jan 23rd, 2025)- Place and time- Location- Speaker- Report on the visit from Maine IEEE section- Further collaborations with Maine- Plans for the yearVirtual:
New Year’s Bowling Mixer
4611 14 St NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2K1J7Kick off the New Year with an exclusive joint collaboration between the IEEE Southern Alberta Section Young Professionals and SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) Calgary Young <a href="http://Professionals.This" target="_blank" title="Professionals.This">Professionals.This is a private event hosted at the Calgary Winter Club (CWC), where you will enjoy an evening of 10-pin bowling in a state-of-the-art bowling facility while networking with fellow engineers and enjoy dinner. Tickets are limited, so grab yours before this event sells out! Bowling lanes, shoe rentals, food and non-alcoholic drinks are <a href="http://included.If" target="_blank" title="included.If">included.If you have any questions, please contact Andrei at (http://[email protected]/)***" target="_blank" title="](http://[email protected]/)***">](http://[email protected]/)*** EXTENDED REGISTRATION *** Registration Closes on Friday, January 10th at 4:00pm <a href="http://MST.Please" target="_blank" title="MST.Please">MST.Please Note: Food will be served at this event. Please be sure to include your dietary restrictions during the online registration process. We cannot guarantee we will be able to accommodate your request, but we will do our best to <a href="http://accommodate.Co-sponsored" target="_blank" title="accommodate.Co-sponsored">accommodate.Co-sponsored by: Society of Petroleum Engineers Calgary Young ProfessionalsAgenda: Check-In: 3:30-3:45 PMBowling, Networking & Food: 4:00-7:00 PMCheck in at the CWC Lobby. If you are arriving late, please notify the event <a href="http://host.4611" target="_blank" title="host.4611">host.4611 14 St NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2K1J7
Dr Martin Luther King Day of Volunteering IEEE MOVE Disaster Deployments Review/Careers in Technology CS SIGHT COPE WIE SA ComSoc Future Networks
Virtual:" target="_blank" title="Randall.The program is committed to assisting victims of and responders to natural disasters with short-term communications, technology, and power solutions. These temporary emergency relief provisions help people stay connected and ensure access to the help they need. Services include internet, charging stations, and lighting <a href="http://resources.Grayson" target="_blank" title="resources.Grayson">resources.Grayson Randall will serve as the 2025 Chair of the IEEE Humanitarian Technologies <a href="http://Board.When">Board.Virtual:" target="_blank" title="Humanity.Virtual:
Modeling data and high power over free-space optic channels
Virtual: data and high power over free-space optic channelsAbstract: Transmitting modulated data using different schemes along with high power light over free-space optic (FSO) channel under different weather conditions and scintillation strengths will be discussed. Multi-junction Photonic Power Converter (PPC) is used to detect the transmitted high power. Simulation results exploiting the newly added Universal FSO Channel component to OptiSystem software will be presented. New temporal scintillation models including Negative Exponential, Malag and K-model will be discussed. In addition, spatial scintillation model and its effect on the transmitted data and high power will be <a href="http://addressed.------------------------------------------------------------------------Modélisation" target="_blank" title="addressed.------------------------------------------------------------------------Modélisation">addressed.------------------------------------------------------------------------Modélisation de données et haute puissance sur les canaux optiques en espace libreRésumé : La transmission de données modulées à l'aide de différents schémas ainsi que d'une lumière haute puissance sur un canal optique en espace libre (FSO) dans différentes conditions météorologiques et intensités de scintillation sera discutée. Le convertisseur de puissance photonique multi-jonction (PPC) est utilisé pour détecter la puissance élevée transmise. Les résultats de simulation exploitant le composant Universal FSO Channel nouvellement ajouté au logiciel OptiSystem seront présentés. De nouveaux modèles de scintillation temporelle, notamment le modèle exponentiel négatif, Malag et K, seront discutés. De plus, le modèle de scintillation spatiale et ses effets sur les données transmises et la puissance élevée seront abordés.[]Ahmad Atieh, OptiwaveAbout / A proposThe High Throughput and Secure Networks (HTSN) Challenge program is hosting regular virtual seminar series to promote scientific information sharing, discussions, and interactions between <a href="http://researchers." target="_blank" title="researchers.">researchers. programme Réseaux Sécurisés à Haut Débit (RSHD) organise régulièrement des séries de séminaires virtuels pour promouvoir le partage d’informations scientifiques, les discussions et les interactions entre <a href="http://chercheurs." target="_blank" title="chercheurs.">chercheurs. by: National Research Council, Canada. <a href="http://Optonique.Speaker(s):" target="_blank" title="Optonique.Speaker(s):">Optonique.Speaker(s): Ahmad Atieh, Virtual:
Careers in Technology Spring Series 2025 – Yuhong Liu, PhD – 21 January 8pm EST / 7 pm CST
Virtual: Yuhong Liu, 2025 IEEE Chair of Computer Society Geographic Activities Committee, will lead the Spring Sessions of “Careers in Technology” with a discussion of her career preparation and a deep dive into her own keen interests and vast experience in research including trustworthy computing and cyber security of emerging applications, such as Internet-of-things, blockchain, and online social media. She has published over 90 papers in prestigious journals and peer-reviewed conferences. Her papers have been selected as the best paper at the IEEE International Conference on Social Computing 2010.Speaker(s): Yuhong Liu, PhDVirtual:
EDIA for Research: Empowering Communities
1000 K.L.O., Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, Virtual: workshopCo-sponsored by: R7002701 - Okanagan SubsectionSpeaker(s): , , 1000 K.L.O., Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, Virtual:
16th Annual Wine and Cheese
240 McLeod St, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K2P 2R1The 16th Annual Celebration of Women in Engineering Wine & Cheese is a night designed to spark valuable discussions in a low-pressure environment for individuals who are seeking to expand their network. Wine & Cheese offers a gateway to connect to people from industry and academia, including students, in the engineering and science fields. You are invited to meet others over refreshments and create lasting connections for years to come!Our team is focused on connecting passionate and motivated individuals with the opportunities that will help them make an impact. We believe that getting creative and intellectual people to the places that they can excel is essential in building a sustainable and innovative <a href="http://future.The" target="_blank" title="future.The">future.The event is a cocktail style event, with light appetizers and drinks (including non-alcoholic beverages). Business casual or business formal dress <a href="http://code.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------La" target="_blank" title="code.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------La">code.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------La 16e édition annuelle de la célébration Women in Engineering Wine & Cheese offre une occasion unique à l'industrie de se connecter avec des étudiants en ingénierie et en sciences cherchant à élargir leur réseau et à engager des discussions enrichissantes dans un cadre détendu. Universitaires, professionnels de l'industrie et étudiants sont invités à se rencontrer autour de rafraîchissements pour établir des liens durables pour les années à <a href="http://venir.Notre" target="_blank" title="venir.Notre">venir.Notre équipe se consacre à connecter des individus passionnés et motivés avec les opportunités qui leur permettront d'avoir un impact. Nous croyons que permettre à des personnes créatives et intellectuelles de s’épanouir dans des environnements propices est essentiel pour construire un avenir durable et <a href="http://innovant.L'événement" target="_blank" title="innovant.L'événement">innovant.L'événement est un événement de style cocktail, avec des canapés légères et des boissons (y compris des boissons non alcooliques). Tenue décontractée <a href="http://professionnelle.240">professionnelle.[]240 McLeod St, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K2P 2R1
Careers in Technology Spring Series 2025 – Baek-Young Choi, PhD – 28 January 8pm EST / 7 pm CST
Virtual: Baek-Young Choi is an internationally leading scholar in the Internet of Things, 5G and beyond, cloud computing, and cybersecurity. Dr. Choi's innovative research has led to numerous Best Paper, Best Poster, and Best Video awards, as well as recognition as conferences’ keynote speaker, Distinguished Lecturer, and Associate Editor-in-Chief of the flagship magazine of the IEEE Society. She has served in many international leadership roles in her technical society, including Chair of IEEE Women in Communications Engineering, Chair of Sister societies, and a technical oversight committee of flagship conferences in IEEE, general chair, and technical program committee chair for multiple international conferences and <a href="http://workshops.Speaker(s):" target="_blank" title="workshops.Speaker(s):">workshops.Speaker(s): Baek-Young Choi, PhDVirtual: