Frontiers in Systems and Control – A Special Workshop

Room: CEME 2202, Bldg: Civil and Mechanical Engineering Building , 6250 Applied Science Lane, UBC, Vancouver , British Columbia, Canada

Abstract of the workshop:This special workshop “Frontiers in Systems and Control” consists of a series of presentations given by renowned researchers in systems and control. Speakers have been playing important roles for the leadership in IEEE Control Systems Society. This workshop will be a great opportunity for researchers in academia and industry as well as graduate students to interact with world-leading experts and to hear about current research trends and stories in control theory and applications.Agenda (tentative):( you plan to attend the workshop, please register. The registration is required for the event planning and estimation.Co-sponsored by: [email protected]: Agenda (tentative):( you plan to attend the workshop, please register. The registration is required for the event planning and estimation.Room: CEME 2202, Bldg: Civil and Mechanical Engineering Building , 6250 Applied Science Lane, UBC, Vancouver , British Columbia, Canada

AMA (Ask me Anything) on Data Privacy, Machine Unlearning, and more with Prof. Gautam Kamath (IEEE Day event)


Free Registration: a brief intro highlighting issues and solutions for data privacy in machine learning settings, Prof. Gautam Kamath will answer your questions related to data privacy, machine unlearning, research, academia, career advice, and anything in between.Please feel free to check out the work and thoughts of Prof. Gautam Kamath, Ph.D. from MIT, on Google Scholar at, YouTube and generally on the Internet.Then, please feel free to submit your questions- via Twitter by using the hashtag, #KamathAMA and tagging @vishnupendyala- emailing vspendyala(at)hotmail(dot)com with #KamathAMA in the subject- during your registration on ZoomSelect questions will be answered by Prof. Kamath during the session. Audience may be able to ask follow-up questions during the session.Speaker(s): Dr. Gautam Kamath, Dr. Vishnu S. PendyalaVirtual:

5@7 Chapitre ordinateur & WIE de la section de Québec (ouvert à tous!)

Room: Local 1312, Bldg: Pavillon Desjardins, 2325 rue de l'Université, Pub Universitaire, Quebec, Quebec, Canada, G1V 0A6

Le chapitre ordinateur et Women in Engineering de la Section IEEE de Québec (Quebec, Saguenay et Rimouski) organisent un évènement social «5 à 7» pour lancer cette nouvelle année.Au programme: faire connaissance, réseauter et nous faire part de vos intérêts sur les activités de vos chapitres.L'activité aura lieu le mardi 1er Octobre dans le cadre de l'IEEE Day 2024 au pub de l'Université Laval.Bien entendu, nous serons heureux d'accueillir tous les membres de l'IEEE d’autres chapitres ou personnes intéressées par l'IEEE à se joindre à nous pour réseauter!L’IEEE Computer Society se concentre sur l’informatique et vise à faire avancer les sciences et technologies de l’information. Elle rassemble des professionnels (de l'industrie et de l'académique) du monde entier pour partager des connaissances et organise plus de 189 conférences annuelles. Les membres bénéficient d’une vaste bibliothèque numérique et de ressources éducatives. Depuis plus de 75 ans, elle soutient des initiatives pour le bien de l’humanité.L’IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) promeut les femmes dans les STEM (sciences, la technologie, l’ingénierie et les mathématiques) et inspire les jeunes filles à poursuivre ces carrières. Avec plus de 45 000 membres, elle offre un réseau de soutien, organise des évènements et propose des ressources exclusives et des opportunités de mentorat.Co-sponsored by: Sandra PozzerAgenda: - 5 à 7 réseautage:- Rencontres entre nos membres respectifs et toute personne intéressée- Profitez-en pour donner vos idées sur les activités du chapitre et de WIE- Souper au Pub a compter de 19h (aux frais de chacun)Room: Local 1312, Bldg: Pavillon Desjardins, 2325 rue de l'Université, Pub Universitaire, Quebec, Quebec, Canada, G1V 0A6

Navigating the Complex Terrain of Enterprise System RFPs


Overview:In the high-stakes world of large corporate IT, conducting a Request-for-Proposal (RFP) for an enterprise system is like orchestrating a symphony of diverse stakeholders, intricate technical requirements, and strategic business objectives. Join Winnie Lai-Fong as she shares the art and science behind executing a win-win RFP process that satisfies both internal stakeholders and potential vendors.Get answers to these questions:- Who do you invite to play - Set the stage for success by clarifying the project's “why” and curating a list of worthy contenders.- What does the RFP include - The content is woven from the threads of user needs, technical specifications, and operational demands, with stakeholder management as the vital element in the success of the entire endeavour.- What are the rules - Establish clear rules of engagement, including a robust evaluation framework that paves the way for a fair and transparent selection process.- What to watch out for - Be wary of various pitfalls involving the vendors and the internal organization.Come join this presentation and find out how you can help your organization to transform the daunting RFP process into a strategic opportunity to align technology with business goals.Program Format:This is an interactive workshop.Q&A:Come with questions from your RFP challenges, or just share your own experiences.Virtual:

Building Inclusivity into Software Engineering


Join the IEEE Toronto Instrumentation & Measurement – Robotics & Automation Joint Chapter for a talk on the Building Inclusivity into Software Engineering, presented by Dr. Mariam Guizani from Queen's University.[]Tuesday, October 22, 2024 @ 5:30 – 6:30 PMAbstract: Individuals often develop software based on their own cognitive preferences and perspectives. However, given the diverse ways in which people process information, it becomes crucial to examine how we can effectively test and implement software with inclusivity in mind.This presentation will delve into the relationship between inclusivity and technology, addressing two main questions: What are inclusivity bugs? And how can we find and fix them in software products?In this presentation, Dr. Guizani will introduce a Why/Where/Fix systematic inclusivity debugging process to help find inclusivity bugs (using the GenderMag cognitive walkthrough method), localize the Information Architecture (IA) faults behind them, and then fix the IA to remove the inclusivity bugs found. Additionally, she will share insights from various teams using GenderMag to enhance inclusivity in their products and processes.Speaker(s): Mariam Guizani, Ph.D.Virtual:

NECEC 2024 – Sponsor Registration

Bldg: Holiday Inn St. John's Conference Centre, 180 Portugal Cove Rd., St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, A1B 2N2

NOTE: This is the Sponsor Registration Page. For attendee registration, ( is presented by IEEE Newfoundland and Labrador Section in cooperation with Memorial University of Newfoundland as a forum where professionals in electrical, electronic and computer engineering as well as information technologies can present their work to the growing technical community within the province. The conference will focus on technical concepts, innovations and implementations.Registered conferees will be provided with lunch, refreshment breaks, and conference proceedings.Proceeds from this event and past conferences are used to sponsor IEEE Scholarships, which are awarded to students in Terms IV and VI of the Electrical Engineering or Computer Engineering program at MUN.More information about this event can be found at the ( by: Memorial University of NewfoundlandBldg: Holiday Inn St. John's Conference Centre, 180 Portugal Cove Rd., St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, A1B 2N2

NECEC 2024

Bldg: Holiday Inn St. John's Conference Centre, 180 Portugal Cove Rd., St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, A1B 2N2

NECEC is presented by IEEE Newfoundland and Labrador Section in cooperation with Memorial University of Newfoundland as a forum where professionals in electrical, electronic and computer engineering as well as information technologies can present their work to the growing technical community within the province. The conference will focus on technical concepts, innovations and implementations.Registered conferees will be provided with lunch, refreshment breaks, and conference proceedings.Proceeds from this event and past conferences are used to sponsor IEEE Scholarships, which are awarded to students in Terms IV and VI of the Electrical Engineering or Computer Engineering program at MUN.More information about this event can be found at the ( by: Memorial University of NewfoundlandBldg: Holiday Inn St. John's Conference Centre, 180 Portugal Cove Rd., St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, A1B 2N2