IEEE Nuclear Presentation Series – Watch “Nuclear Now”
Virtual: IEEE Vancouver Section is organizing a series of presentations to address the widespread interest in clean energy sources, new nuclear reactor technologies, and the various related issues. This series of talks will cover aspects of nuclear energy and the disruptive new technology of Small Modular Reactors. These presentations will be of interest both to engineers who are not nuclear specialists, and to the general public who are interested in learning about the <a href="http://technology.TOPIC:" target="_blank" title="technology.TOPIC:">technology.TOPIC: The movie "Nuclear Now"March 26, 2025LOCATION: OnlinePRESENTER: The movie "Nuclear Now" Here is a link to the official website, <a href="" target="_blank" title=""> will kick-off the Nuclear Energy Series talks by viewing the movie “Nuclear Now”. We will collect your comments and questions during the film, and use them in planning the rest of Nuclear Energy <a href="http://Series.The" target="_blank" title="Series.The">Series.The documentary, “Nuclear Now”, effectively compiles significant historical insights into the complex and often contradictory relationship that society has maintained with nuclear energy. Oliver Stone presents a compelling argument in favor of nuclear power, portraying it as a crucial and potentially sustainable solution to our energy needs. The film is both thought-provoking and expertly crafted, making a strong case that the risks associated with nuclear energy are minor compared to the looming threat of climate change. Stone illustrates how, during the 1950s and 1960s, there was a global consensus on the positive potential of nuclear energy, which was later undermined by the powerful interests of the oil and coal industries that sought to manipulate public perception. Notably, the documentary also addresses the potential biases that viewers may hold, particularly due to Hollywood's dramatization of nuclear issues, and it skillfully navigates through factual information to provide a balanced <a href="http://perspective.This">perspective.(<a href="" target="_blank" title=""> (<a href="" target="_blank" title=""> presentation series is supported by:- (<a href="" target="_blank" title=""> by: IEEE Future Directions Committee, IEEE Sustech InitiativeAgenda: The presentation will start at 9:00 AM Pacific Time (12:00 EDT, 16:00 UTC).09:00 Welcome and Speaker Introduction09:10 Presentation10:40 Questions and Answers11:00 Presentation endsNOTE Please be sure to leave sufficient time to set up your web browser and / or remote meeting client prior to the start <a href="http://time.Virtual:" target="_blank" title="time.Virtual:">time.Virtual:
IEEE CAS YP – Industry & Emerging Professionals Social
The Bitter End, Halifax, Nova Scotia, CanadaIndustry & Emerging Professionals Social🚀 Hosted by IEEE Canadian Atlantic Section Young Professionals & Engineers Nova ScotiaJoin us for an evening of networking at The Bitter End in Halifax! This is your opportunity to connect with industry representatives from a diverse range of companies, from small firms to large organizations. Whether you’re launching your career, exploring new opportunities, or simply curious about the exciting engineering projects happening in the city, this event is for you!🔹 Tailored for Electrical & Computer Engineering professionals, but all are welcome!Why Attend?✅ Build valuable connections with professionals in your field✅ Gain insights into local engineering projects and career paths✅ Engage in meaningful conversations in a professional yet relaxed setting💡 Prepare for Success!🎤 Bring your 30-second elevator pitch to introduce yourself, your skills, and your career goals to industry <a href="http://members.📖" target="_blank" title="members.📖">members.📖 Bonus! Attendees will receive a small package in advance highlighting participating companies and their recent <a href="http://projects.📢" target="_blank" title="projects.📢">projects.📢 Register Now – Limited Spots Available!🍽️ Food will be provided for all attendees. Please include special dietary restrictions in your <a href="http://registration.Don't" target="_blank" title="registration.Don't">registration.Don't miss this exclusive chance to network, learn, and grow in your engineering career. Secure your spot today! 🚀Sponsored by:Co-sponsored by: Engineers Nova Scotia’s Emerging Professionals CommitteeThe Bitter End, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
La modularité en développement de produits: levier de performances ou compromis stratégique?
Virtual:'intégration de composants modulaires dans le développement de produits offre une flexibilité accrue, accélère la mise au point et simplifie la maintenance. Cette approche, particulièrement pertinente dans les marchés de l'automatisation industrielle et des biotechnologies, soulève toutefois des défis, notamment en termes de compatibilité et de dépendance vis-à-vis des technologies proprié<a href="http://taires.À" target="_blank" title="taires.À">taires.À travers des études de cas illustrant l’intégration des capteurs USB de Dracal Technologies, ce webinaire explorera comment la modularité peut renforcer la précision et l'efficacité des systèmes. Nous analyserons également les compromis techniques et stratégiques inhérents à son adoption, afin de déterminer dans quels contextes elle se révèle être une solution véritablement <a href="http://avantageuse.Speaker(s):" target="_blank" title="avantageuse.Speaker(s):">avantageuse.Speaker(s): Ariane GaronAgenda: 1- IEEE Québec / Marc Perron (5-10 mins)-Présentation IEEE Québec et du Chapitre Informatique-Présentation Ariane Garon et contexte du webinaire2- Dracal / Ariane Garon (35 mins)-Présentation de l’entreprise et des produits (5 mins)-Marchés cibles: défis et comment Dracal les surmonte: Modularité (25 mins)-Parcours entrepreneurial du Quantique au capteurs! (5 mins)3- Période de questions (10 minutes)Virtual:
2025 IEEE Vancouver Section AGM & Gala
Bldg: Element Metrotown, 5988 Willingdon Ave, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada, V5H 2A7The 2025 IEEE Vancouver Section’s AGM and Gala Dinner will be held on Saturday, March 29th, starting at 6 PM in Burnaby, BC, at the Element <a href="http://Hotel.Registration" target="_blank" title="Hotel.Registration">Hotel.Registration will be available starting February 18, 2025.Early bird tickets are available from 5:00 PM on February 18, 2025, until 5:00 PM on March 4, 2025.Bldg: Element Metrotown, 5988 Willingdon Ave, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada,V5H 2A7
IEEE North Saskatchewan Section ExCom Meeting
57 Campus Dr, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, S7N 5A9, Virtual: North Saskatchewan Section Meeting57 Campus Dr, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, S7N 5A9, Virtual:
Computational Electromagnetism with Moving Matter and Some Quantum Phenomena
Room: RBCx Finance Quarter, Bldg: Hub350, 350 Legget Dr, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K2K 3N1[]The analysis of electromagnetic problems with moving objects has many applications: RF Doppler radars, astrophysics, GPS, electromagnetic gyroscopes… This seminar proposes an original and thorough analysis of the behavior of electromagnetic waves in the presence of moving bodies by using the Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method. Movements are implemented by changing positions of the objects at each time step, through the classical FDTD time loop. With this direct approach, time is implicitly absolute and Voigt-Lorentz transformations are not implemented. This technique is suitable for non-relativistic speeds, thus for most encountered electromagnetic problems, especially in antennas and propagation domain. The numerical aspects that need to be considered are studied. Then, different problems are investigated: moving plane wave source with resistors, moving observation point, moving inclined Partially Reflecting Surface (PRS), moving line source, and moving metallic cylinder illuminated by a plane wave. The results, in terms of Doppler frequency shift and changes in amplitude of the electric field, are compared with those of special relativity which are considered as the references. Some aspects of special relativity are present in the direct FDTD approach, such as the independence of the velocity of electromagnetic wave propagation with the speed of the source and Lorentz local time (with a different physical interpretation). Some of the obtained results agree with special relativity. Other ones are different, but the differences are negligible for non-relativistic speeds. Techniques are proposed for the implementation of relativistic effects. The results obtained with our analysis bring new physical insights on the propagation of waves with moving bodies. In particular, it is shown that the amplitude of the electric field for an ideal plane wave source does not increase with the speed of motion. Moreover, for a moving scattering metallic wire, one can observe a phenomenon similar to shock waves. Other analyzed problems include complexes motions (multiple speeds, acceleration, rotation, oscillation), moving airplanes, Michelson-Morley interferometer, Sagnac effect, Heaviside faster-than-light analysis. Some quantum phenomena (Compton experiment, blackbody radiation) are also studied…Speaker(s): Professor Halim BoutayebAgenda: 11:30pm - 12:15pm: Lecture by Professor Halim Boutayeb12:15pm - 12:30pm: Question and Answer (Q/A)Room: RBCx Finance Quarter, Bldg: Hub350, 350 Legget Dr, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K2K 3N1
INRS-EMT Millimeter Wave Laboratory: Circuits, Modules and Interferometric Systems
Virtual: presentation highlights the use of interferometric techniques in millimeter wave systems such as high data-rate communication systems, radar sensors or broadband quadrature interferometric mixers. The main advantage of these mixers, compared to conventional ones, are the reduced power requested for the operation. The fabrication technologies used are MHMIC, RW, SIW. All circuits and modules are designed and characterised in our millimeter- wavelaboratory. Fabrication uses outside facilities. As an initial step, computer models based on the VNA measurements are used in computer simulations of the systems to validate the architecture and functionality. This allows important cost reduction on module/transceiver prototypes. Test benches and some measurement results of the fabricated prototypes, from 24 GHz up to 90 GHz are presented and discussed. Future work will include designs at higher frequency, over D-band (110 - 170 GHz), to meet the ongoing requirements of the academia and <a href="http://industry.Speaker(s):" target="_blank" title="industry.Speaker(s):">industry.Speaker(s): Prof. Serioja Ovidiu Tatu, Virtual:
IEEE IAS/PES Committee Meeting
Virtual: IAS/PES Committee Meeting(IAS/PES Committee Meeting)Tuesday, April 8 · 5:30 – 7:00pmTime zone: America/ReginaGoogle Meet joining infoVideo call link: <a href="" target="_blank" title=""> dial: (CA) +1 604-774-7574 PIN: 495 315 895#More phone numbers: <a href="" target="_blank" title=""> join via SIP: sip:4442878668245@<a href="" target="_blank" title="">
IEEE Nuclear Presentation Series – Planning Future Energy Systems: Do we go nuclear?
Virtual: IEEE Vancouver Section and the IEEE Future Directions Committee are organizing a series of presentations to address the widespread interest in clean energy sources, new nuclear reactor technologies, and the various related issues. This series of talks will cover aspects of nuclear energy and the disruptive new technology of Small Modular Reactors. These presentations will be of interest both to engineers who are not nuclear specialists, and to the general public who are interested in learning about the <a href="http://technology.TOPIC:" target="_blank" title="technology.TOPIC:">technology.TOPIC: Planning Future Energy Systems: Do we go nuclear?DATE: April 09, 2025LOCATION: OnlinePRESENTER: Dr. Taco Niet, Simon Fraser UniversityProfessor Taco Niet will discuss how addressing the climate crisis in an equitable and just way will require significant policy and infrastructure changes in a short time <a href="http://frame.Is" target="_blank" title="frame.Is">frame.Is nuclear power needed to achieve net-zero carbon emissions?How do modelling tools allow us to address this question and other related questions?This presentation is free. IEEE members and the general public are welcome to attend. Registration is <a href="http://required.This" target="_blank" title="required.This">required.This presentation series is organized by:- (<a href="" target="_blank" title=""> (<a href="" target="_blank" title=""> presentation series is supported by:- (<a href="" target="_blank" title=""> by: IEEE Future Directions Committee, IEEE Sustech InitiativeSpeaker(s): Dr. Taco NietAgenda: The presentation will start at 9:00 AM Pacific Time (12:00 EDT, 16:00 UTC).09:00 Welcome and Speaker Introduction09:10 Presentation09:45 Questions and Answers10:00 Presentation endsNOTE Please be sure to leave sufficient time to set up your web browser and / or remote meeting client prior to the start <a href="http://time.Virtual:" target="_blank" title="time.Virtual:">time.Virtual:
Architecting New Products: Practical Heuristics
Virtual: presentation distills the author's heuristics for successfully architecting complex, multi-disciplinary product development projects, characterized by cutting edge technologies and tight schedules. Drawing from the development of MDA's FIRE 9000 Printed Circuit Board Photoplotter product line developed in the 1990s, this talk identifies timeless lessons and best practices that remain relevant today. Attendees will gain valuable insights into project management strategies applicable to contemporary complex product development <a href="http://endeavors.Virtual:" target="_blank" title="endeavors.Virtual:">endeavors.Virtual:
Chapitre IEEE Photonics à Québec – Première Assemblée Générale
Room: Salle du Conseil, Institut National d'Optique, 2740 Rue Einstein, Quebec, Quebec, Canada, G1P 4S4Première Assemblée Générale du nouveau Chapitre IEEE Photonics à Qué<a href="http://bec.Une" target="_blank" title="bec.Une">bec.Une boîte à lunch sera gracieusement fournie par la Section à tous les membres IEEE participants et enregistrés.Pour devenir membre:<a href="" target="_blank" title=""> Ordre du Jour*1- Historique, raison d'être et formation du Chapitre2- Appel à candidats au Comité Exécutif3- Élection du Comité Exécutif4- Levée de l'Assemblée*A être confirmé prochainement par le Secrétaire de la Section IEEE de QuébecRoom: Salle du Conseil, Institut National d'Optique, 2740 Rue Einstein, Quebec, Quebec, Canada, G1P 4S4
IEEE North Saskatchewan Section ExCom Meeting
57 Campus Dr, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, S7N 5A9, Virtual: North Saskatchewan Section Meeting57 Campus Dr, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, S7N 5A9, Virtual: