Shaping the Future: Telecom IT Infrastructure Trends and Scaling to Millions
Room: EV2.184, Bldg: EV Building, 1515 Saint-Catherine St W, Quebec , Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3G 2H7In this IEEE Computer Society Technology and Networking event, Walther Planzo II from Ericsson will explore the technological evolution of the telecommunications industry and provide insights into its future beyond 6G, Kubernetes, and related IT resources. He will discuss how emerging approaches have bridged the gap between telecommunications and computing, expanding opportunities in IoT and redefining industry <a href="http://capabilities.Co-sponsored" target="_blank" title="capabilities.Co-sponsored">capabilities.Co-sponsored by: Concordia UniversitySpeaker(s): Walther, Agenda: -18:30 - 19:00 - Reception-19:00 - 20:00 - Presentation-20:00 - 20:15 - Networking on site and beyondRoom: EV2.184, Bldg: EV Building, 1515 Saint-Catherine St W, Quebec , Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3G 2H7
Monthly Executive Team Meeting – IEEE Hamilton Section (Mar’2025)
Virtual: Executive Team Meeting - IEEE Hamilton Section (Mar'2025)Agenda: 07:00PM - Meeting starts08:00PM - Meeting endsVirtual:
IEEE Mock Interview Session
Bldg: U of R CESL, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, S4S 0A2(<a href="" target="_blank" title=""> by: SaskPower and SaskTelBldg: U of R CESL, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, S4S 0A2
IEEE Montreal Section Board Meeting (in Polytechnique Montreal)
Room: S. Cours M-2101, Bldg: Lassonde Pavilion, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3T 1J4Bonjour,La section IEEE de Montréal vous invite à la réunion du conseil d'administration qui aura lieu à Polytechnique Montréal le 14 mars 2025, de 18:30 à 21h30. Nous aurons également de la pizza ! :)Rejoignez-nous pour des discussions et échangez avec les membres de toutes les institutions. Le numéro de la salle sera envoyé à tous avant la ré<a href="http://union.Sincèrement,La" target="_blank" title="union.Sincèrement,La">union.Sincèrement,La section IEEE de Montréal---------------------------Dear all,IEEE Montreal Section is inviting you for board meeting, which will take place in Polytechnique Montreal at March 14, 2025, 18:30 - 21:30. We'll also have pizza! :)Join us in discussions and engage with members from all institutions. The room number will be sent to all prior to <a href="http://meeting.Sincerely,IEEE" target="_blank" title="meeting.Sincerely,IEEE">meeting.Sincerely,IEEE Montreal SectionRoom: S. Cours M-2101, Bldg: Lassonde Pavilion, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3T 1J4
IEEE USASK Branch Illumination Conference 2025
2002 Airport Dr, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, S7L 6M4Casting a Light on Engineering: ILLUMINATION CONFERENCE 2025Join us on March 15th for this year’s Illumination Event hosted by the IEEE uSask <a href="http://branch.Bridge" target="_blank" title="branch.Bridge">branch.Bridge the gap between academia and industry! Network with and hear from some of Saskatoon's industry leaders. Speakers and guests for companies like Team Power Solutions, Calian, RMD Engineering, SaskTel and TrackPoint AI! This year, the theme is Into the Time Machine where we explore the past, present and future of different topics in <a href="http://industry.A" target="_blank" title="industry.A">industry.A three course lunch, snack bar, and chances to win from our $960 prize pool included!Event DetailsDATE: March 15, 2025TIME: 9:30AM – 3:30PMLOCATION: Saskatoon Inn & Conference Centre, 2002 Airport Dr, Saskatoon, SK S7L 6M42002 Airport Dr, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, S7L 6M4
Diversity in Tech – Ethics and Diversity in the Age of AI
Room: Lincoln Park Room #J301, 4825 Mount Royal Gate Southwest, Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T3E 6K6, Virtual: us to meet local tech professionals, learn from them, and practice your networking <a href="http://skills.At" target="_blank" title="skills.At">skills.At this event, we will hear from professionals on the growth of artificial intelligence and the ethics surrounding it. We have invited experienced speakers from academia and industry. This is a great opportunity to learn more about opportunities and concerns around artificial <a href="http://intelligence.Everyone" target="_blank" title="intelligence.Everyone">intelligence.Everyone is welcome. Registration is <a href="http://required.Speakers:-" target="_blank" title="required.Speakers:-">required.Speakers:- Eric Chalmers (PhD in Biomedical Engineering - Professor at Mount Royal University)- Joan Vlasschaert (MSc in GIS - Data Science Manger at AltaML)- Reeta Suman (MSc in Data Analytics - Instructor at SAIT)- Sarah Elain (Phd in Leadership, Policy and Governance - Professor at University of Calgary).This event is co-sponsored by IEEE Southern Alberta Section, The Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Mount Royal University, and is co-organized by IEEE Southern Alberta Computer Chapter, and the Department of Mathematics and Computing at Mount Royal <a href="http://University.Agenda:" target="_blank" title="University.Agenda:">University.Agenda: Event schedule4:30 - 4:55 PM Check-in and Networking4:55 - 5 PM Welcome & Introductions5 - 5:15 PM Keynote5:15 - 6 PM Panel Session6 - 7 PM NetworkingRoom: Lincoln Park Room #J301, 4825 Mount Royal Gate Southwest, Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T3E 6K6, Virtual:
Lunch and Learn with Distinguished Speaker Dr. Olav Breinbjerg – Hosted by EMC AES Joint Chapters and Seattle Section
Room: 133, Redmond Community Center at Marymoor Village, 6505 176th Ave NE, Redmond, Washington, United States, 98052[]You must register in advance to obtain admission to this meeting. Please note attendance is LIMITED and seating will be confirmed on a first-come, first-served <a href="http://basis.Speaker(s):" target="_blank" title="basis.Speaker(s):">basis.Speaker(s): , Olav Breinbjerg, Olav BreinbjergAgenda: 11:00 am Welcome and Introductions11:15 amAntenna Diagnostics – Identifying and Understanding Antenna Diseases12:00 pm LUNCH12:45 pm Antenna Measurement Challenges and Opportunities – the Next Ten Years1:30 pm Networking/Closing Remarks2:00 pm AdjournRoom: 133, Redmond Community Center at Marymoor Village,6505 176th Ave NE, Redmond, Washington, United States, 98052
The Digital Collage: A workshop to raise awareness about the environmental challenges of digital technology
Room: 6900, INRS, 800 rue de la gauchetiere , Montréal, Quebec, CanadaDid you know that it takes 800kg of raw materials to manufacture a 2kg computer? Come with us to learn in team and in a fun way, the impact of digital technologies on the environment and how to reduce <a href="http://it.In" target="_blank" title="it.In">it.In collaboration with TÉLUQ University and EMT IEEE student chapter, we invite you to take part in this fun and collaborative three-hour <a href="http://workshop.The" target="_blank" title="workshop.The">workshop.The aim of the Digital Collage is to raise awareness and educate participants about the environmental challenges of digital technology. The workshop also aims to explain the broad outlines of actions to be taken to move towards a more sustainable digital environment, and then to open discussions on the subject between participants. The workshop is an opportunity to learn <a href="http://together.The" target="_blank" title="together.The">together.The workshop will be at INRS EMT Bonaventure center, March 19th from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.Coffee awaits you during the activity, and pizza at lunchtime!The workshop will be offered in English and French !To register => (" target="_blank" title="](">]( required, limited number of participants)Room: 6900, INRS, 800 rue de la gauchetiere , Montréal, Quebec, Canada
Blockchain and Advanced Technologies for Decentralization and Automation of the Electrical Grid – The Model of Autonomous Decentralized Stations
Virtual: : Le secteur énergétique connaît une transformation profonde, impulsée par des réglementations climatiques strictes et une transition vers un modèle décarboné et plus efficace. L’essor des énergies renouvelables intermittentes pose toutefois des défis majeurs en matière d’équilibrage de la production et de la demande, ainsi que d’adaptation des infrastructures électriques. Le passage à un réseau plus décentralisé et numérisé exige une refonte des modèles énergétiques traditionnels, nécessitant une gouvernance collaborative et une plus grande implication des acteurs locaux. La technologie blockchain émerge alors comme une solution prometteuse, offrant transparence, sécurité et efficacité dans les transactions énergétiques. Son intégration dans la gestion de l’énergie permettrait d’optimiser les échanges d’électricité, de renforcer la participation des consommateurs et d’explorer des modèles innovants comme les transactions poste-à-poste ou la gestion décentralisée de la demande. Cette présentation propose un modèle de réseau intelligent inspiré de la blockchain, et basé sur le modèle des sous-stations autonomes décentralisées. Elle démontre que ce paradigme, qualifié d’« Énergie 4.0 », favorise une meilleure intégration des ressources énergétiques distribuées et ouvre la voie à un écosystème énergétique plus durable, autonome et axé sur le <a href="http://consommateur.EN:" target="_blank" title="consommateur.EN:">consommateur.EN: The energy sector is undergoing a profound transformation, driven by stringent climate regulations and a transition toward a decarbonized, more efficient model. However, the rise of intermittent renewable energy sources poses major challenges in balancing production and demand, as well as adapting electrical infrastructure. The shift toward a more decentralized and digitized grid requires overhauling traditional energy models, necessitating collaborative governance and greater involvement of local stakeholders. Blockchain technology is emerging as a promising solution, offering transparency, security, and efficiency in energy transactions. Its integration into energy management could optimize electricity exchanges, strengthen consumer participation, and explore innovative models such as peer-to-peer transactions or decentralized demand management. This presentation proposes a smart grid model inspired by blockchain, based on the concept of decentralized autonomous substations. It demonstrates that this paradigm, termed 'Energy 4.0,' enhances the integration of distributed energy resources and paves the way for a more sustainable, autonomous, and consumer-centric energy <a href="http://ecosystem.Co-sponsored" target="_blank" title="ecosystem.Co-sponsored">ecosystem.Co-sponsored by: Université du Québec à RimouskiAgenda: - Mot de bienvenue et présentation IEEE Québec et du Chapitre Ordinateurs (3 mins)- Présentation de Alain Aoun (2 mins)- Séminaire de Alain Aoun (35)- Période des questions (10 minutes)Virtual:
Women in Engineering Panel
Room: 112, Bldg: ENB, Calgary, Alberta, CanadaThis is a panel event featuring women in the fields of electrical and software engineering to showcase their journeys and provide insight to students at the University of Calgary so they can plan their careers more <a href="http://thoroughly.Agenda:" target="_blank" title="thoroughly.Agenda:">thoroughly.Agenda: 5:00 pm: arrival + registration, informal networking time5:15 pm: panel discussion with industry professionals6:00 pm: have the food arrive6:15 pm: food + networking6:45 pm: wrap up eventRoom: 112, Bldg: ENB, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Consultant Engineering Workshop
Room: ME 3275, Bldg: Mackenzie Building, 1125 Colonel By Drive , Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1S 5B6Consulting engineering is a specialized and often overlooked career path that offers diverse opportunities for undergraduate students. Connecting with experienced professionals in this field can provide valuable insights, mentorship, and inspiration to explore it as a dynamic and fulfilling career option. Engaging with industry experts can help students better understand the skills, challenges, and rewards associated with consulting engineering, guiding them toward informed decisions about their <a href="http://future.Agenda:" target="_blank" title="future.Agenda:">future.Agenda: 6:00-6:15 PM: Introductions & Welcoming Ceremony6:15-7:15 PM: Speaker Panel7:15-7:45 PM: Food7:45-8:45 PM: General Networking8:45-9:00 PM: Thank you & Closing CeremonyRoom: ME 3275, Bldg: Mackenzie Building, 1125 Colonel By Drive , Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1S 5B6
Meet and Greet – The Dendritic Institute’s Director Prof. Leandro Nunes de Castro
Room: Conference Room, Bldg: Place Bonaventure, 800 Rue de la Gauchetière Ouest, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, H5A 1k6[]SPEAKER: Leandro Nunes de Castro, Ph.D., M.B.A.Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Professor and Dendritic Program DirectorDendritic: A Human-Centered AI and Data Science InstituteU.A. Whitaker College of EngineeringFlorida Gulf Coast University, USOverviewDendritic is the AI and Data Science (DS) Institute recently created at the Florida Gulf Coast University dedicated to advancing research, education, and innovation in AI/DS, addressing real-world challenges across health, environment, cybersecurity, education, and more. In this talk, we will explore the mission and vision of Dendritic, its key areas of research, and the strategic role it plays in preparing the next generation of professionals for the rapidly growing tech industry and its capability of solving real-world problems. Attendees will also learn about opportunities for collaboration, research, and practical applications of AI/DS technologies. This talk will highlight how Dendritic fosters innovation, enhances FGCU’s academic programs, and contributes to local and global solutions, while positioning itself as a leader in AI/DS in Southwest Florida and <a href="http://beyond.BioDr" target="_blank" title="beyond.BioDr">beyond.BioDr. Leandro de Castro has a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Goias (1996), M.Sc. (1998) and Ph.D. (2001) in Computer Engineering from Unicamp, and an MBA in Strategic Business Management from the Catholic University of Santos (2008), all in Brazil. He was a Research Associate at the University of Kent in Canterbury, UK (2001-2002), a Visiting Professor at the Malaysian Technological University (2005), a Visiting Professor at Unicamp (2012), and a Visiting Research Professor at the University of Salamanca (2014). He was an Assistant Professor at the Master’s Program in Informatics at Unisantos (2003-2008), an Associate Professor at the Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering and Computing at Mackenzie Presbyterian University (2008-2022), and the Chief Executive Officer at In.lab (Center for Research, Development, and Innovation of AI Applied to Health) (2022-2023). Dr. de Castro has authored 4 books, had more than 250 scientific papers published, and over the past four years (2020-2023) was recognized as among the 2% most influential researchers in the world based on scientific impact indices monitored by PLoS Biology. He has already served as Research Chair (2016-2017), and as Chief Innovation and Entrepreneurship Officer in previous universities (2017-2020). Dr. Leandro de Castro also co-founded three AI-based startups in Brazil and invested as an angel investor in other three technology startups. He is currently an Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Professor at the U.A. Whitaker College of Engineering at <a href="http://FGCU.Co-sponsored" target="_blank" title="FGCU.Co-sponsored">FGCU.Co-sponsored by: INRS - Institute national de la recherche scientifiqueSpeaker(s): Dr. LeandroNunes de Castro, Agenda: 18:00 - 18:30 - Reception18:30 - 18:35 - Welcome Address18:35 - 19:00 - The Dendritic Institute Presentation by Dr. Leandro Nunes de Castro19:00 - 19:20 - Round table19:20 - 19:30 - Closing remarksRoom: Conference Room, Bldg: Place Bonaventure, 800 Rue de la Gauchetière Ouest, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, H5A 1k6